Allama Muhammad Iqbal, often simply referred to as Iqbal, was a towering figure in 20th-century literature and Islamic thought. His poetry, primarily written in Urdu and Persian, transcended national and linguistic boundaries, leaving an indelible mark on the Muslim world and beyond.
ہو دید کا جو شوق تو آنکھوں کو بند کر
ہے دیکھنا یہی کہ نہ دیکھا کرے کوئی

Ho Deed Ka Jjo Shoq To Apni Aakhon Ko Band Karr
Hay Dekhna Yehi Keh Na Dekha Kray Koi
Allama Iqbal Poetry In Urdu Text’s poems were not merely beautiful verses; they were potent calls to action, brimming with philosophical inquiry, spiritual yearning, and a fierce desire for Muslim revival.
نہیں ہے نا امید اقبال اپنی گشت ویراں سے
ذرا نم ہو تو یہ مٹی بڑی زرخیز ہے ساقی

Nahi Hy Na Umeed Iqbal Apni Ghasht-e-Veeran Sy
Zraa Nam Ho To Yeh Matti Bari Zarkhez Hay Saaqi
Allama Iqbal Shayari Urdu explored a vast canvas of themes. He drew inspiration from Islamic history and philosophy, particularly the works of Rumi and Ibn Arabi. He critiqued colonialism, advocating for self-reliance and a return to Islamic values.
دل میں خدا کا ہونا لازم ہے اقبال
سجدوں میں پڑے رہنے سے جنت نہیں ملتی

Dil Main Khudaa Ka Hona Laazim Hy Iqbaal
Sajdoun Mian Paray Rehny Sy Jannat Nahi Milti
One of his most enduring themes is the concept of the “khudi” – the self. Iqbal believed that a strong self, rooted in faith and knowledge, was the key to individual and societal progress. He challenged Muslims to awaken their inner potential and strive for excellence.
تو رازِ کن فکاں ہے اپنی آنکھوں پر عیاں ہو جا
خودی کا رازداں ہو جا خدا کا ترجماں ہو جا

Tu Raaz-e-Kun Fikaan Hy Apni Aankhon Per Ayaan Ho Ja
Khudi Ka Raazdaan Hoja, Khuda Ka Tarjumaan Ho Ja
Allama Iqbal Poetry In Hindi did not shy away from social commentary. He criticized Western materialism and the decline of Islamic civilization. Poems like “Jawab-e-Shikwa” (The Answer to the Complaint) grapple with the challenges faced by Muslims and offer a path towards redemption.
کھول آنکھ، زمیں دیکھ، فلک دیکھ، فضا دیکھ
مشرق سے نکلتے ہوئے سورج کو ذرا دیکھ

Khool Ankh, Zameen Dekh, Falak Dekh, Fizaa Dekh
Mashriq Sy Nikalty Huye Sooraj Ko Zraa Dekh
Allama Iqbal Poetry In English is rich in symbolism and imagery. He often used natural elements like mountains, rivers, and falcons (shaheen) to represent strength, determination, and the pursuit of freedom.
پھول کی پتی سے کٹ سکتا ہے ہیرے کا جگر
مردِ ناداں پر کلام نرم و نازک بے اثر

Phool Ki Patti Sy Katt Sakta Hy Heeray Ka Jigarr
Mard-e-Nadaan Per Kalaam Narm-o-Nazik Be Asar
Allama Iqbal Poetry In Urdu For Students influence extends far beyond the realm of literature. His ideas played a pivotal role in the awakening of Muslim nationalism and the creation of Pakistan. His poetry continues to resonate with Muslims worldwide, offering guidance and inspiration in a complex and ever-changing world.
نہیں تیرا نشمین قصرِ سلطانی کے گنبد پر
تو شاہیں ہے بسیرا کرپہاڑوں کی چٹانوں پر

Nahin Tera Nasheman Qasar-e-Sultani K Gumbad Per
Tu Shaheen Hy Basera Kr Paharon Ki Chattaano Per
Allama Iqbal Poetry In Urdu Islamic is a timeless treasure trove of wisdom and beauty. Whether seeking philosophical insights, spiritual guidance, or simply appreciating the power of language, there’s something for everyone within his vast and vibrant world.
1 Response
[…] Beyond his poetry, Ghalib was also a skilled letter writer. His letters, known as “Urdu-e-Mualla” (Elevated Urdu), offer a glimpse into his personal life, his thoughts on politics and society, and his witty observations on everyday life. They reveal a man of sharp intellect and a keen sense of humor. You May Also Like to read Allama Iqbal Poetry. […]